The Baruch College Private Equity Club is dedicated to educating students on Private Equity and Investment Banking Principals. PEC provides real world experience through our programs and competitions.
Divesity • Talent • Excellence
We aim to empower students to pursue a career in finance, by educating all regardless of sex, religion, or nationality on private equity principles.
We value Diversity as we are committed to celebrating differences among our members. Talent as we value the inherent abilities, skills, and aptitudes of our members. And lastly Excellence, we value those who are resilient, hard working, and pushing barriers.
We are working towards establishling a membership base of over 200 active members to initiate the club and create a strong foundation, Work towards developing a clear club structure and vision to guide decision-making and activities, and lastly establish an intricate curriculum for our Private Equity Analyst and Mentorship programs.
We envision a future where our members stand confidently at the threshold of success, armed with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to secure meaningful internships within finance industry.
We are thrilled to introduce the Baruch College Private Equity Club's (PEC) Mentorship Program in collaboration with CareerSync!
Within this program, students will gain exclusive access to mentorship from seasoned peers who possess extensive knowledge of the finance industry, including investment banking, mergers and acquisitions, and private equity. Our mentors have amassed profound insights into the industry through rigorous research and professional experience, making them well-equipped to guide you toward a successful career in finance. They will provide you with the essential tools to stand out in this highly competitive field.
The Baruch Private Equity Club was founded by Mohammed Tai to educate underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students at Baruch College on Private Equity principals
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